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Blog 1/30: 🪨A Grain of Sugar 🪨

Updated: Feb 28

 I don’t prefer salt, so I will tell you to take this blog with a grain of sugar.

 I guess I’m taking this as my chance for the mandatory cheesy blog. I had no idea what I was doing in 2020 — and I am only a little less lost as I’m on the cusp of completing my degree. In my eight semesters, dorms had turned into houses, turned into homes. While I am still uncomfortable referring to an unstable year-long contract as a home, I find myself wanting to be up here during breaks. Less for Bing as a town itself, but more for the people and the energy that has consistently surrounded me for the past four years.

 As a senior, I’m often asked about my biggest regret. I wouldn’t say I have any regrets, but I do have curiosities. My decisions lead me to where I stand today, both within myself and externally in the community. If I had attempted to get involved in organizations earlier, would I have grown with different people? I would never regret joining TSO (for curiosity) and AO (for interest), but even years later there will be a lingering thought in my mind of what-ifs. Was switching out of my major in the first few days of freshman year the right decision? What about when I chose to not transfer during my second year?

 My parting advice, for if I were given the opportunity to do it all again, would be to find out. Take the risks, you’ll end up 21 with some sort of degree anyway so why not make the best of your time while you’re still unshackled by society.

Yaying Zhao

Copy Editor


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