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Blog 10/31: Lost and Found

I used to be a little girl with a big voice

In school I’d be the first to raise my hand and answer a teacher’s question

I’d be one of the loudest voices in the playground as we ran around playing hide and seek

Always energetic and excited for the day to come

The loud little girl suddenly became a little quieter

She no longer raised her hand or volunteered to speak

She didn’t run around, shouting and giggling with delight as she played with her friends

She became reserved and hid from just about everything and everyone

The little girl found herself struggling to speak

Her voice lost amongst a sea of others

Terrified to say something wrong or to sound silly

Every teacher commented:

“Oh how wonderful she’d be if she would just speak.”

Terrified and frozen as the words were caught in her throat

Slowly and steadily, after so many years

That same little girl found her voice again

Her friends and community helped her grow and see that she no longer needed to be so scared anymore

Now that same little girl found it in her to speak

and though she has plenty to learn and grow from

The silly little girl owes it to her friends and clubs for helping her all along

Annie Liang

Fundraising Chair

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