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Blog 11/14:šŸŽ®šŸ‘ŽSkill Issue šŸŽ®šŸ‘Ž

I have never found a game I was good at. From Cooking Mama to Valorant, mobile games to first-person shooter games, I suck at them all.

I first realized my lack of talent for games in middle school. Every Sunday afternoon, my friends and I would hunch over the monitors in my church basement, playing Minecraft for hours. My friends would go mining for diamonds and defeat the ender dragon; I would just die every so often, losing all my inventory in the process. At some point I gave up, switched from survival to creative mode ā€” but even then, the houses I built were shabby compared to others. Switching over to Nintendo Games, I wasnā€™t the worst at Mario Kart and Super Smash Bros ā€” but while defeating CPUs, I would always die when competing against my friends. Cooking Mama? Iā€™ll let my impatience say the rest.

Donā€™t get me started on League of Legends. I played for one game and promptly logged off, knowing I would never be good enough. Even mobile games, while relaxing, arenā€™t really something to brag about. After that, I stopped playing video games for the rest of high school. In college, after getting a hand me down gaming laptop from my cousin, I impulsively started playing Valorant. Watching all my friendsā€™ streams on Discord, I felt major FOMO and I wanted to have fun with them too. Yet again, I soon realized that my friends were too good for me to play with and I felt like I was only dragging them down.

After playing for several months, although still not good, I noticed that I was slowly improving. I started playing ranked games more often. Though not the best, I still enjoyed playing the game with my friends. Even though I whiff every shot and die every round, spending time with my friends and escaping everything going wrong with my life is enough to keep me glued to the screen. Iā€™ve made new friends and memories through this horribly addictive game. While I may scream at my screen the majority of the time, (I think) Iā€™m still enjoying it on the inside. Iā€™m never going to be good at everything, or even anything ā€” even if I keep practicing ā€” but Iā€™ll still keep trying my best to get better and hopefully find something Iā€™m just better at.

I still havenā€™t found a game Iā€™m good at, but thatā€™s okay. Iā€™m still here, still sucking away.

Tina Oh

Layout Editor


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