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Blog 12/5: šŸ„¹Another year over?šŸ„¹

In less than two weeks time, I will be on a bus back to Staten Island ā€” hopefully to make the most out of a month free from the mundanity of college schedules. To be honest, I donā€™t really know what Iā€™ll do once I get there. I might binge watch a ton of movies (LOTR trilogy) that Iā€™ve stuck on my plan-to-watch-list but havenā€™t gotten to making a dent in at all. Iā€™ll hang out with my friends, but thereā€™s only so much oneā€™s social battery can handle, so for the most part, Iā€™m stuck at home thinking about my life while doing chores or playing Val (jk).

I also might stare into space and daydream about how I would like to travel to anyplace in the world and experience something besides the cold and wet New York winter. The last time I traveled anywhere that left a great impression on me was when I went to China and Malaysia some five years ago. Here, it always seems like the sky is gray, and for someone who feels a bit gloomy when it's overcast, traveling seems a lot better than staying at home. Even past that, everyone needs some variety in their life.

Other times, Iā€™ll try to reflect on my accomplishments over the past year ā€” for most of my life, my mind has been focused on whatever grades I got. But Iā€™ve slowly been reflecting on how Iā€™ve gotten closer to my loved ones, the new things Iā€™ve tried, the risks Iā€™ve taken. When all is said and done, Iā€™ve felt much more rewarded because all the new things Iā€™ve experienced this year have me looking forward to next year.

Have a good winter break everyone!

Brian Lum

Copy/Layout Editor


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