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Blog 2/6:šŸ¦ Survival Guide to Getting Sick in CollegešŸ¦ 

Updated: Feb 28

Iā€™m not sure if anyone else has realized this but getting sick in college feels like one of the worst things in the world. Itā€™s really when you get to living alone (for the most part) that you find out being taken care of by your parents is actually really nice. Plus, maybe itā€™s me just being bad at taking care of myself, but itā€™s so much easier to get sick in college for a longer time and with worse symptoms. And that is not fun. With that, here are my tips and tricks to not getting sick ā€” and if you are, to get better.

Know when your body is not acting normal.

Itā€™s a known fact that everyone has their off days and those days may just consist of being slightly under the weather or more low energy than usual. Take it easy on those days. Donā€™t put out high standards for yourself. Now, when you feel way more fatigued than usual or if youā€™re losing your appetite without much of a reason, take some precautionary medicine and steps, such as: popping some Tylenol (responsibly), drinking more liquids and not overexerting yourself.

Have someone on hand.

Whether it be your roommate, suitemate, housemate, bestest friend in the whole world or whoever. Make sure someone is there so you donā€™t collapse in the middle of your room without anyone thinking something is off. With recruiting someone, treat them well and with respect, itā€™s nice of them to lend a hand to help you in these trying times. Once youā€™re all better, you can treat them to a meal or buy them something nice from Target. But, for now, if you need hot chicken noodle soup from the dining hall or actual food, donā€™t be afraid to ask. Helping you get better is a higher priority than having you continue to be sick.

Medicines 101.

Maybe Tylenol is your go to medicine but once you get sick, thereā€™s a good chance Tylenol isnā€™t going to be your savior. Tylenol is acetaminophen which is a pain reliever and fever reducer. When you donā€™t have pain nor a fever, itā€™s probably best not to take that and to take something else that would actually help your symptoms. If youā€™re having a runny nose, take an antihistamine; if youā€™re having a stuffy nose, take a decongestantā€¦ etc. Donā€™t take medication just because theyā€™re the go-to. Make sure the effects of it are actually going to help your symptoms, rather than hurt it.

Actually rest.

This might just be me but I have a heck of a hard time relaxing. Even now, as I am sick and writing this blog, I find it hard to just rest. You might want to do schoolwork or something else thatā€™s productive, but the best thing to do when youā€™re sick is let your body recover. Like my dad says, your brain is probably too tired to work anyway so just let your professors know that. Sit back, relax and let your body recover.

And thatā€™s my survival guide to college. Stay warm and stay healthy, everyone!

Carmen Tan

Media Producer


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