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Blog 8/29:šŸ™€Scaredy-Cat šŸ™€

I am afraid of a lot of things. This is a well-known fact within my close personal relationships. My anxiety skyrockets at the thought of presenting to strangers and meeting large groups of people in one go. What if I donā€™t meet their expectations? Iā€™m afraid of the normal things like the dark, horror genres, monsters and the giant insects of Binghamton. Iā€™m crazy afraid of heights and stay up begrudgingly due to intrusive thoughts of death. Iā€™m shamefully terrified of the idea of ā€œforever,ā€ which in most cases translates as commitment; not just to relationships but also to career choices and future family plans. Iā€™m fearful of not succeeding, so at times I choose to opt out of trying things even though I know logically that it is okay to fail.

On top of everything, I am afraid of my club. They never fail to surprise me with their dedication and are there to do the many things I could not, like editing videos or ordering supplies. They make me question my abilities and cower in fear. They are the family Iā€™ve grown up with for the soon-to-be three years of my life in this university, and I am afraid of leaving them. I am afraid to be left reimagining what was and what could have been.

However, I learn so much from these fears and know theyā€™re just obstacles in my way. My confidence is growing by the day, and I am tackling them one by one as time flies by. Anyways, thatā€™s just a small list of things Iā€™m scared ofā€¦. Thanks to all the peeps who make me slightly less of a scaredy cat.

Anna Liu



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